Working On A Children’s Coloring Book
I have not decided on what my characters will be yet but my first thought was to create a superhero. Though sometimes I don’t like the thought of the “exhausted, black, superwoman” propaganda so I’m still debating on my main character’s purpose. I have time though. My coloring book isn’t going to be out until August 2024.
Having a black girl coloring book is important for numerous reasons though the main one is because representation matters. It’s very crucial for black girls of today to see themselves as more than their stereotype. My coloring book(s) will provide young girls (and boys) with the opportunity to see characters that look like them. It’s paramount that they see their likeness so that they can feel the urge to celebrate their unique beauty and embrace their cultural heritage that’s beyond the hype of being about hip-hop and fashion. My coloring books will promote a sense of self-acceptance and empowerment.
My coloring books will challenge stereotypes and break societal barriers by featuring diverse images of black girls engaging in various activities, professions, and hobbies. My books will expand the narrative of what it means to be black magic and black excellence. I aim to help my people dream big, pursue their passions, and believe in their limitless potential. It will create an atmosphere of the mind to appreciate their blackness and help others to have empathy and understanding of black children and embrace their unique identities.
I can’t wait to see the effects and impacts I’ll have on people. Even if it doesn’t become a worldwide thing, I’ll be happy if it helps just a few!
— AlonaLeoine